Terms of Publication and Rules for Author

The online scientific periodical Natural Sciences Journal will accept for publication a work by the author(s) that has not previously been published by the author(s) in the following branches of science:

1.5.5 – Physiologyof man and animals (industries - biological, chemical, agricultural, veterinary, medical sciences);

1.5.22 – Cell Biology (industries - biological, agricultural, medical sciences)

1.5.9 – Botany (industries - biological, geographical, agricultural, pharmaceutical sciences)

1.5.15 – Ecology (industries - biological, chemical, medical, technical, veterinary, agricultural sciences);

1.5.19 – Soil Science (industries - biological, chemical, agricultural sciences)

4.1.1General agriculture and crop production (industries - agricultural, biological sciences)

4.1.2Breeding, seed production and plant biotechnology (industries - agricultural, biological sciences).

The article should be relevant, contain a statement of the scientific problem, describe the results of the research and consist of the following blocks: introduction; purpose and objectives of the research; research conditions, materials and methods; research results; conclusions.

Authors submit to the editorial board (file names by the first author's surname, Ivanov is given as an example):

- Ivanov manuscript1: manuscript (version for publication), file contains full information about authors in Russian and English, structured abstract in Russian and English (see item 4 and sample).

- ***2 - manuscript (review version. *** - file is named by the first 3-5 words of the title of the paper: the same version of the manuscript for publication, but the file does not contain any information about the author and the organisation: after the UDC there is the title of the paper. In addition, for a quicker and better review procedure, all lines of text in this file should be numbered (Page layout - Line numbering - On each page. Save).

- Ivanov EZ (scanned referral from organization).

- Ivanov BS (scanned consent to publication). Authors should submit a letter to the editorial office indicating the author's consent to the publication of the manuscript and its posting on the Internet. The letter must be signed by the author and certified by the organisation for which the author works. In the case of co-authorship, each author signs and certifies a separate letter. Signing the consent form indicates that the author is familiar with the policies and rules of the journal and agrees with the ethics of scientific publication adopted by the journal.

If the manuscript contains figures or photos that need to be duplicated, the files should be named "Ivanov Figure1", "Ivanov Photo2", etc. They should also be placed in the text of the manuscript where they are mentioned.

All files should be placed in the same folder, collectively named "Ivanov", and archived.

In total, the author completes and submits a minimum of four electronic documents.


Rules for the layout of an article:

- The volume of publications: review articles up to 1 printer's sheet (16 pages), original articles up to 0.5 printer's sheet (8-10 pages), information on anniversaries, conferences, etc. up to 0.2 printer's sheet of A4 format, Times New Roman, typographic unit 14, line interval 1.0; the paragraph 1.27 cm; margins: left 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm, top and bottom 2.5 cm.

- Photographs, figures, charts and graphs shall be submitted electronically, embedded in the text, in standard graphic formats with a mandatory caption. Width of figures, photos, diagrams, charts, graphs, schemes hast to be no more than 13 cm; inscriptions inside figures, graphs, etc. should be written with Times New Roman, 9. The caption should be written with Times New Roman, 9, not in bold.

- Tables. Times New Roman font, 9. Table width should be 13 cm, portrait orientation. Place the word "Table" in the right-hand corner with a serial number, add 1 spacing and then put the title of the table (in bold, on center, 9).

- Formulas. Formulas and mathematical symbols in the text are typed in the standard formula editor Equation Microsoft. Superscripts and subscripts in Times New Roman, 11; mathematical symbols in Times New Roman, 18; letters of the Greek alphabet in Times New Roman, 14. Formulas should be typed without an indentation on the left-hand edge.


Structure of an article:

- The first page should indicate: index according to the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) - in the upper left corner; 1 spacing, in the centre - the title of the article (capital letters, Times New Roman, 16), 1 spacing - full name of the author (14), information about the author (title, degree, position), 1 spacing - name of institution (organisation), address, telephone, e-mail address of the author, 1 spacing - extended summary (10-15 lines) and key words (12, italics). Translation of relevant data in the same order in English, 1 space apart: title of the article; full name of the author(s); information about the author(s) (titles, degrees and positions); address details of the authors (organisation(s), its legal address, e-mail of all or one of the authors), abstract (containing 150 to 250 words), keywords (at least 10). The use of machine translation is not permitted when translating articles into English.

The text of the article follows next in order.

- After that, a list of references is drawn up in Latin characters (for transliteration pattern go to http://translit.ru/) and, after one spacing indicate the name of the source in English (the name “References”). In accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 (URL: http://asu.edu.ru/universitet/360-gost-712003.html); references to sources in the text are given in square brackets, for example [1]. The list of references is in alphabetical order (Times New Roman, 9), all sources in Russian and languages with a similar alphabet (Ukrainian, Bulgarian, etc.) are given first, then all foreign ones. All references should be given in their original language. The works of domestic authors published in the foreign press are listed in the list of foreign works.

At least 50% references to published material in leading scientific journals in the last 5-10 years (but in substance).

At least 25-50% references to foreign research, in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals (not in-house articles or regional anthologies for which no information is available).


Electronic submissions should be sent by e-mail to: estnauki2009@rambler.ru If a submission fails to comply with one of the above points, this may be grounds for refusal of publication.

All manuscripts submitted by authors for publication in theonline edition are subject to verification in the system "Antiplagiat.VUZ" (Anti-plagiarism. Institution of Higher Education) to identify possible incorrect borrowings with the subsequent passage of the institute of reviewing (peer review), based on which the editorial board makes the final decision on the advisability of publishing the materials submitted by the author.

The authors are legally and otherwise responsible for the facts of the material submitted to the editorial board.