Batayeva Yulia Viktorovna  -  doctor of biological sciences, docent , Leading Researcher, Department of Biological Technologies, Federal Budgetary Institution "State Scientific Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology", 142279, Russia, Moscow region, Serpukhov, Obolensk village, Territory “Quarter A”, 24, aveatab@mail.ru

Grigoryan Lilit Norayrovna  -  candidate of biological sciences, leading researcher of the scientific laboratory of biotechnology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Astrakhan State University named by V.N. Tatishchev", Russia, 414056, Astrakhan, st. Tatishcheva, 20a, lilyagrigoryan90@gmail.com

Vilkova Daria Dmitrievna  -  PHD, Researcher, Department of Biology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Cherepovets State University", Russia, 162600, Cherepovets, Vologda region, Lunacharsky prospect, 5, chsu@chsu.ru

Bratilova Jamilya Musaevna  -  undergraduate, Astrakhan State University named by V.N. Tatishchev, Russia, 414056, Astrakhan, Tatishchev st. , 20a,

Тhe effectiveness of the use of cyanobacteria as bioregulators of growth on pepper "California miracle" and tomatoes "Dar Zavolzhya" was studied. Microplot experiments were carried out in the open ground on the territory of the technopark of the Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishchevа, the beginning of the Astrakhan region. In the work, the chemical and microbiological compositions of the soils of the experimental microplot-night plot were studied. The studied soils are classified as agrozems with a low pH value of 5.0; the value of the dense residue was 0.05% (non-saline). The content of anions, such as sulfates, and alkali was 0.04% and 0.026%, respectively. The soil of the experimental site contains mineral and organic components: magnesium (0.009%), calcium (0.020%). The content of humus was 1.9%, the amount of nitrogen - 82.2%, phosphorus - 120.0%. The number of ecological and trophic groups of microorganisms in soil samples was within the order of 104 and 108. Plants treated with a suspension of cyanobacteria significantly exceeded the control ones in root length and plant height by 104.7% and 118.5%, respectively. The yield of pepper when treated with a suspension was 0.272 kg/bush, which exceeded the control by 90.2%. When counting peppers with Fusarium symptoms, it was found that the number of plants treated with a suspension of cyanobacteria was 0% (without symptoms), and in the control 9% (with symptoms), which confirms the high fungicidal activity of the cyanobacteria culture. The number of micromycetes of the genus Fusarium in the soil was: in the control 104 CFU/g, in the variant with treatment with cyanobacteria - 102 CFU/g. As a result of the analysis of the experience with tomatoes, the number of productive bushes treated with cyanobacteria was 38.82%, which is 7.1% more than the control. The yield of tomatoes with bacterization by cyanobacteria was 1.14 kg/bush, which is 0.83 kg/bush more than in the control (0.31 kg/bush). When treated with a suspension of cyanobacteria, plants with symptoms of Fusarium were absent, while in the control they accounted for 12%, which confirms the high fungicidal activity of the cyanobacteria culture. A study of micromycetes of the genus Fusarium in the rhizosphere showed their presence in the variant of the experiment with the treatment of plants with cyanobacteria in an amount of 102 CFU/g, which is three orders of magnitude less than the control. Field experiments on the effect of cyanobacteria on plants have shown that the A. constricta IPPAS B-2020 culture has active phytostimulating and protective properties, as well as cyanobacterial communities.

Key words: cyanobacteria, soil microbiological analysis, phytostimulating activity, Astrakhan region
