PETER KUZMICH ANOKHIN (To the 125th anniversary of his birth)

Teply David Lvovich  -  Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Fundamental Biology, Astrakhan State University named by V.N. Tatischev, Russia, 414056, Astrakhan, Shaumyan sq., 1,

Teply Dmitry D.  -  Ph.D. (Biology), Senior Researcher, Astrakhan State University, Russia, 414000, Astrakhan, Shaumyan Sq.,1, ,

Vershinina Natalya Valerievna  -  Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamental Biology, Astrakhan State University named by V.N. Tatischev, Russia, 414000, Astrakhan, Shaumyan Sq. 1,

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