Tryasuchev Andrey Valerievich  -  PhD in Biological sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Physiology, Morphology, Genetics and Biomedicine, Astrakhan State University named by V.N. Tatischev, Russia, 414000, Astrakhan, Shaumyan Sq.,1, fyzevk@rambler.ru

Kuryanova Evgenia Vladimirovna  -  Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Fundamental Biology, Astrakhan State University named by V.N. Tatischev, Russia, 414000, Astrakhan, Shaumyan Sq.,1, teplyconf@yandex.ru

Bataeva Victoria F.  -  student, Astrakhan State University, Shaumyana Sq., , 1, Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation, bataeva@mail.ru

A number of blood parameters and immune defense indicators were analyzed in order to identify the characteristics of changes in blood parameters and its physiological characteristics, taking into account gender differences, as well as taking into account the place of residence of people. Features in various ecological and climatic zones, as well as the importance of the problem of iodine deficiency and its consequences for the Astrakhan region, we analyzed blood parameters in women and men of 2 mature age. In healthy men and women of the Astrakhan region, the indicators of a general blood test correspond to the norms with characteristic gender differences. At the same time, in rural residents of both sexes, the content of hemoglobin, erythrocytes and hematocrit value is higher, and the ESR is lower than that of residents of urban areas. In healthy people living in the city and in the regions, no significant differences in leukocyte formulas were found. There is a trend toward a higher proportion of eosinophils and monocytes in urban residents compared to rural residents. In people with health problems, compared to healthy people, the proportion of neutrophils in leukocyte formulas increases, the proportion of lymphocytes and monocytes decreases, especially in men. At the same time, urban men have a higher proportion of neutrophils and a reduced proportion of lymphocytes and monocytes compared to rural residents; urban women have a higher proportion of eosinophils than residents of rural areas. Living in urban conditions contributes to a decrease in red blood counts, an increase in ESR and the appearance of signs of stress in the form of a trend towards an increase in the proportion of eosinophils in the blood. Changes in blood composition and leukocyte formulas caused by health problems are more pronounced in urban residents (especially men) than in rural ones.

Key words: blood parameters, leukocyte formula, ESR, hemoglobin
